Reccommended Products

On this page we will be reviewing products we have purchased, tested, and highly recommend. Each product has been professionally reviewed and a brief analysis will be made alongside some of the product information.

We have only selected products that are highly professional and will actually aid in your physical and mental development and guide you to achieving your goals. Please feel free to give feedback on these products and/or if you found them useful to us at:


Plan:One - Online nutrition expert

Plan:One is a state-of-the-art program using Dynamic Nutrition Technology™ to build fully tailored nutritional meal plans in minutes. This software will develop nutritional meal plans around your profile and fitness goal, whether it is to build muscle, lose weight, or help maximise training effectiveness.

There is so much depth and precision in this software that you can create nutritional plans that include precisely the right amount of protein, carbohydrate and fats for your specific requirements every day, quickly and easily. It’s like having your own professional sports nutritionist on call every day of the week!

  On top of all that, there are extra features that allow you to:
  • Manage Body Statistics
  • Track Your Performance
  • Manage Ingredients
  • Manage Recipes

To save you even more time and effort, once you have decided on your plan, you can generate your shopping list at the click of a button. You can even select if you prefer to shop on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and your shopping list will make sure that you always have stocks of everything you need to keep you on track!

On a personal note, we would recommend this product to anyone that is serious about achieving their fitness goals or someone that wants to be at the forefront of healthy eating and nutrition. If you have this menu planning software, you will not need anything else! We have reviewed many menu planning services and read through countless menu planning guidelines in the past and have not come across one better than this. The software itself is very simple to use and  you can navigate your way through the pages easily.

A thing to note, plan:one - online nutrition expert, guarantees that you see results in less than 30 days, or you get your money back!

Personal Ratings:
  • Quality - 10/10
  • Content - 10/10
  • Price - 7/10
  • User Friendly - 10/10
  • Overall - 9.5/10


The Fit Kit - (5 Book Series) - by Albert Gonzalez
The Fit Kit is the first series of books to ever classify the three distinct domains of Health, Sport, and Ideal Physical Appearance. While using your goals, needs, and ideal final results to design your personal workout blueprint.

The idea behind this product is that it will give you the information and guidelines for you to tailor your individual workout based upon the goals you want to achieve.

There are 5 books included within the kit, each highly detailed but easy to follow. They offer a proffessional and well presented guide to achieving your goals and actually show you how! Included in the books are as follows;

Book 1 - Self awareness and Physical Self awareness.
Book 2 - Cardiovascular Exercise
Book 3 - Weight Training
Book 4 - Menu Planning  ------- (Very useful!!!)
Book 5 - Your Individual Commitment

For a more advanced summary of the above books, and what they include,  Click Here!

The Creator of The Fit Kit, Albert Gonzalez, has been a certified personal trainer for over 20 years and opened East Coast Muscle and Fitness alongside his brother George which now boasts over 15,000 members over the 17 years its been open.

We are confitent we can rate these books very highly and think they would be a very worthwile investment. You can use them over and over again to re-invent your workout and diet plan as your goals change. Out of the 5 books, we found the menu planning book to be very useful as we discovered people find it hard to develop or find a set menu plan to stick to. But with this book, you can't go wrong!

Personal Ratings:
  • Quality - 8/10
  • Content -10 /10
  • Price - 8/10
  • User Friendly - 8/10
  • Overall - 8.5/10